For years, historically marginalized travel professionals have spoken out about the inequalities across all travel verticals. We’ve advocated for more diverse representation in pertinent roles, demanded equal pay, and pleaded for the ability to be our authentic selves in an industry that was built by culture but failed to celebrate it. Brands would rather erase comments on social media when a diversity issue was addressed, illustrating that our thoughts and opinions are not important which is unfortunate because it is a missed opportunity to engage in a larger conversation and try to make real change..
Before the murder of George Floyd, our recommendations fell on deaf ears. I could not get a reply to emails or phone calls returned when I tried to reach out with ideas on how to make the industry more inclusive. I was ignored and continued to see able-bodied, skinny white people in travel ads and promotions. Destination stories never included people of any color. Hotels weren’t serious about ADA-compliant rooms, travel media never included closed captioning and travel brands rarely hired or promoted people of color in high executive positions.
Everything changed on June 2, 2020. I remember waking up and seeing my social media feed being flooded with Black squares. A moment so pure in the sense of community, and so damaging to the community it affected the most. That Tuesday changed the way I looked at the travel industry forever. Not only did I see brands and destinations for who they really were, but the rest of the world also did too. Brands posted a Black Square to stand in solidarity but had never supported the Black community prior. They thought bombarding our feeds with a slew of Black creators for thirty days would show their support, to only take them down when they thought no one was watching–but I was.
I watched as the seasons changed, and when I saw brands being highly performative, without any real action being taken I thought to myself ‘’there’s no way I can release the report card this year’’. I wasn’t going to allow the industry to be rewarded for a temporary fix. Brands weren’t going to get praise from me when they still hadn’t hired anyone of color or changed their speaker lineup for their well-attended, well-known travel conferences. Diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion isn’t a topic you put a Band-Aid on to cover up the ugly wound. It’s a call to action with funding, training, awareness and tangible key performance indicators for healing and progression in the industry.
To whom it may concern
Since June 2020, as a Diversity in Travel consultant, I have been in high demand. I’ve spoken on 40+ panels, given four keynotes, been hired to consult by six major travel brands, and have presented 28, ninety-minute “lunch and learn” sessions, specifically on DEA&I. I’ve successfully created and run an award-winning organization with 17 others called the Black Travel Alliance. And After I was called out by a colleague from the travel industry who tweeted brands urging them not to hire people who aren’t ‘’qualified’’ to do this work, due to the lack of classroom education, I decided to go back to school. I can now say I have proper training and field experience to be able to produce a resource like this.
Methodology of Measurement
In partnership with one of the top global companies, I was able to have an in-depth look at 76 of the world's most prominent travel brands. These brands profit the most from travelers and have very strong brand recognition globally. I was able to dive deep into their paid marketing strategies which include non-paid media, paid media, and retargeting. I also viewed email campaigns and reviewed multiple websites. Additionally, these grades also represent 276 travel brands, organizations, and tourism boards across 116 + countries and 7 continents (I went to Antarctica this year!). These grades are based on my personal opinion as a diversity in travel consultant who is highly respected by the industry and whose sole purpose is to correct the lack of representation in it. Annually this report card will grow, with the entrance of new categories and the analysis of more travel brands, and destinations.
Unlike previous scorecards, I will not compare grades from the year prior. The past two years have accounted for hours of training and thousands spent on consulting. No brand can say they aren’t aware of the DEA&I issues surrounding the industry. For this reason, no grace was given, as we all have the opportunity to adjust accordingly.
Without further ado, I present the 2022 Diversity in Travel Report/Scorecard. Using the standard American grading system where the highest grade is an A and the lowest F. I hope you enjoy it, and I am always willing to speak in-depth about the findings and case studies.
Table of contents

Diversity in travel ads and promotions - F
Graphic communication is by far one of the most impactful ways to influence a purchase. When people see something visually appealing they are more likely to take action. When travelers see themselves reflected in advertisements they instantly associate a destination or brand being a safe space for someone that looks like them. To date, the industry still hasn’t been reflective of a diverse audience, which is probably a deterrent to communities who spend billions of dollars annually on travel.
For 90 days I reviewed emails from one of the top online travel agencies (OTA). I would say about 2% of the marketing promotions had BIPOC representation. I couldn’t believe the lack of diversity, the images only had white, able-bodied people.. Their marketing team needs not only diversity training but also a diverse staff.
According to Open Doors nonprofit organization travelers with disabilities spend 58.7 billion dollars annually on travel. That’s 81 million trips from 27 million travelers, and we still have to ask for closed captioning on video ads. We still have yet to see a traveler that uses a wheelchair or an amputee in any marketing. The only way to reach new markets is to be reflective of them, we can do better.
Diversity on Social Media- F
As a content creator and social media manager, I’m on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Linkedin daily. Although I see much more diversity now, than I did in 2018, I am still disappointed when I look at profiles.
You should not post a person just because they match the current observance month. Diverse images should be included in your editorial planning calendar. It comes across as inauthentic when we only see a member of the Latinx community during Hispanic Heritage Awareness Month. Social calendars rarely change, as a social team, you have the ability to create the content yourself and repurpose user-generated content (UGC). If you noticed you don’t have enough images that celebrate diversity, create those images, or pay your photographer to produce them. Every brand should have a goal of their feeds being 40% diverse. If you set this key performance indicator, you will hit your target.
Visit Jordan is a great example of a brand that is in tune with travel trends and celebrates diversity.

Black travelers are currently visiting Jordan in large numbers and Visit Jordan has taken full advantage of the opportunity to show Black travelers that they are welcome. Their social media feed is full of UGC from content creators who’ve tagged them. Brands should realize that when influencers and travelers active on social tag them, their followers will instantly visit their public profiles and pages. . According to the Black traveler study, this community is 59% more likely to visit destinations where they see themselves reflected. With stats like this, it should be an easy shift.
pages. . According to the Black traveler study, this community is 59% more likely to visit destinations where they see themselves reflected. With stats like this, it should be an easy shift.
Another destination I love on social media isMiami and Beaches.

The first thing you notice when you visit their profile is‘’ Follow for culture, diversity, food and more’’. They let you know instantly what they value and what you can expect.
We don't realize as a community how impactful Linkedin is. Linkedin is also a powerful way to push diversity in the news and imagery your brand shares. Use your platform to amplify those untold stories and to shape the importance of diversity within your company.
Diversity in Traditional Media- D
Traditional media includes newspapers, magazines, TV, and radio. Before online advertising, companies typically allocated most of their marketing budgets to traditional media with the goal of increasing their brand awareness and attracting new customers. Even though they strived to reach new communities, that was not the case in the past.
Given the heightened awareness surrounding DEA&I , we have seen an increase in the number of diverse storytelling. Journalists and on-air personalities are more reflective of travelers today. Even though there is still room for improvement, I am pleased with this progress.
I love the way brands like Condé Nast have used one of the newer mediums, a podcast calledWomen Who Travel to celebrate diversity.

With a wide range of topics, they call in women travelers from all backgrounds. There is an episode for everyone and they’ve done a fantastic job of celebrating our differences while connecting us through travel stories, tips, and tricks.
Black Print Meredith, a brand from the Dotdash Meredith family, was created to be the Black voice of the company ensuring that Black stories are celebrated. One that includes publications like Travel and Leisure, People, Instyle Magazine, and more. . This publication should be considered a role model for other brands.

With so many diverse platforms in traditional travel media, I’d like to see the industry advocate for equal opportunities when it comes to placement. For the past 12 years, my friend Uwern Jong has worked tirelessly to produce Out There magazine.
A travel publication for the luxury travel queer community. Sold in over twenty countries, there’s no reason you shouldn’t see that publication wherever you see a National Geographic magazine. We must start advocating outwardly for spaces to look different. I hope to be able to say things have changed by next year.
Diversity in Travel Programs and Events- D
Due to the pandemic, we’ve only seen this area of the industry pick up in the past 6-8 months. With diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion is a key theme for the past two years, I feel we have much more work to do. While administering diversity training to companies I often ask them to think of what it’s like to experience an event or destination from another traveler's perspective. What systems would need to be put in place if you were hearing impaired to be able to enjoy an event? What menu would need to be presented at a program if you were Muslim? I’d like to encourage brands to take this into consideration during r team meetings. Give each person an identity different from their own and ask them to imagine a day in their life in regards to travel. This exercise helps transform our thought processes as able-bodied individuals.
At all times we must think about location and logistics, visuals, and variety. Don’t celebrate a Founder's day, without celebrating the community that was in the destination first. Don’t celebrate pride and not put the same energy behind Black History month or AAPI Heritage month. Is the location of the event accessible to all, is there closed captioning on the videos? Are the images and language you use appropriate and politically correct? These are all things we should constantly be asking ourselves. Making sure all attendees feel welcome is extremely important, there should be a designated person who is assigned to DEA&I at every event.
In January my organization the Black Travel Alliance hosted a webinar entitled ‘’How to properly prepare for Black history month’’.

This event was geared towards destinations and brands that still recognized there’s room for improvement within their brands. We created a safe space to share thoughts, frustrations, tips, and solutions to make sure this topic was top of mind for years to come.
I always like to highlight the Wanderful travel community as Beth Santos and her team have always been inclusive. Throughout the year they host multiple events that speak to every member of their community. They constantly create spaces where their members feel accepted and understood and that is a recipe for loyalty and growth.

Last year they hosted ‘’How we travel: Asian and AAPI travelers‘’ and created a dialogue on the topic, ‘’How to Practice Allyship to Native & Indigenous Peoples When We Travel’’. They always ensure no travel professional, or traveler is left behind and organizations can learn a tremendous amount from them.
Diversity in Travel Conferences and Tradeshows- F
Over the past year, I’ve spoken over twenty times at conferences and tradeshows from the Philippines to New York. I am the only Black woman and sometimes the only Black person at the majority of these conferences. This is nothing new, however, I don’t understand how this is still the case in 2022. How can conferences have a diversity panel with no diversity? Why do conferences only hire speakers of color to speak about diversity as if that’s their only skill set? Why aren’t your marketing materials reflective of all people if your end goal is to have a diverse crowd?
Personally, when I’m hired to speak, I partner with the organizers to ensure their next event has much more representation of everyone. I’ve asked them all to set a percentage goal of how many POC (from panelists to participants) they’ll invite and attends the event. I suggest closed captioning where there’s an opportunity to add it and an interpreter for anyone who is hearing impaired.

I attended a conference at the beginning of the year where the keynote speaker had photos from all over the world in their presentation. They showed locations and travelers and not one time did I see myself or any other person of color reflected in this keynote presentation. Yes, it was engaging, informative, and witty, but it wasn’t an accurate representation of what the travel industry truly looks like. I could feel myself getting antsy in my seat because I realized no one else around me even noticed. So when It was my turn to be up on the stage and I was asked the question ‘’What is it like being invited to the table and not having a seat?‘’ I replied ‘’The fact that you invited me to this conference and I had to sit through a keynote that showed no people of color.” It was as if I flipped a light switch in everyone’s mind after that.
If you’re a conference organizer please make the commitment to include everyone. Market your event in new spaces where people who don’t look like you are. Purchase diverse stock photos that don’t only show a white male on a mountain top overlooking a beautiful sunset. Show multi-generations and people who are differently abled. Invite speakers from every niche and let them speak on the topics they share with the world, and lastly, dedicate someone to directly deal with this opportunity to include professionals from diverse backgrounds.
TBEX is a great example for other conferences to model. For the past three years, they have strived to ensure their conference was much more inclusive.

They were committed to creating opportunities for inclusion within their keynotes and sessions and because of it, more people of color have attended. They additionally hired Tomiko Harvey as their North America Marketing director and she is able to hold them accountable. Nothing changes if nothing changes, you must be willing to take action if you want a different outcome.
Nomadness Fest (previously Audacity Fest) is the premier travel festival for travelers of color and their allies! Not only does it include all POC it recognizes that we aren't a monolith. It speaks to so many niches and is always inclusive.

Under the direction of Evita Robinson, she's created a safe space that brings our stories, leaders, resources, and community together in one place. I'm proud to say I've been part of the team for the majority of the events.

I know her thought process and attention to detail she’s given each event and other organizations should follow suit..
If you are a brand looking to connect with inclusive communities in a conference setting this is the one you want to gear your marketing budget towards.
The industry can learn a lot from looking at the event setup, vendors, speakers, and location Find out more at
Diversity in Influencer Trips- D
Although I gave this a higher score than 2020’s report card, there are still major issues surrounding this subject. Not only are content creators of color not invited on influencer trips as much as our white colleagues, we as an industry completely disregard those who identify with the ‘’accessible’’ title and completely ignore how important their experiences are. As the influencer manager ofNYCgo,

I was excited to create an influencer program that was untraditional and effective. In a city like New York, you can predict some of the things you might see on our list of recommendations, but are you expecting to see what it’s like for a wheelchair user to enjoy the city? Are you expecting to see content dedicated to the Hispanic community and how would you feel when reading aHalal guide to the city? These are things we’ve implemented and hired influencers to experience.
I always tell the story of how my friendSassy Wyatt and I attended an influencer day trip together, and it changed the way I viewed destinations. Sassy is fully blind and explores the world with her husband Grant and her guide dog Ida. Sassy is extremely independent and doesn’t need anyone to help her around. I was excited to travel with her. From the moment we reached the destination I was immediately displeased with the host destination. I could tell they didn’t consider Sassy when planning the itinerary.
The first issue I had was when we arrived at the train station, there were a large number of stairs to go down and I felt it was extremely inconvenient. We walked around looking for the elevator and eventually found it, but there should've been a guide in place to receive her. The second occurrence was during our graffiti tour. The guide would reference the street art by saying ‘’if you look to your left here’s one of his early paintings. I couldn’t believe he didn’t describe it so I did. How did they expect her to recap the experience without providing a full description of the images, colors, and themes?

Another missed opportunity was during our graffiti class when the instructor was explaining to us how to use the spray bottle. He didn’t consider her style of learning so she could actively participate. It is not only inconsiderate but really hurtful for me to witness someone not even try to accommodate someone who has different needs. I remember standing her up, making sure she had the proper stance, and guiding her hand from left to right so she understood what motion she needed to mimic to be a successful tag artist.
I am glad I am close enough with Sassy to say she truly lives up to her name., She doesn’t need anyone to speak up for her because she will address the issues herself, but I was grateful to be able to act as her ally that day.
And while the destination made some assumptions, I have to admit I did too. I automatically assumed because she was blind she hadn’t visited. She politely stopped me mid-sentence and let me know I didn’t have to explain the city because she visited multiple times before she lost her sight. We need moments like this, to humble us, change our perspectives, and be able to advocate and share with others.
New Categories
The past two years made me realize I need to add new subjects to the scorecard. You can’t expect change externally if internally there’s no diversity. The five new subjects deal with this directly and I look forward to the growth in each area.
Diversity in Aviation-D
When It comes to the aviation industry there are many opportunities for growth. We aren’t considering the opportunities airlines have to implement DEA&I strategies so every traveler and employee is reflected.

I have always loved United Airlines as my father worked for the company for years. I have seen the airline's progression over the past 30 years, and it’s safe to acknowledge they’re on the right track. The first time I learned of M’lis Ward, United’s first African American female pilot, I felt a sense of pride knowing she made history in this space and was an athlete at USC. I’ve always loved the way they supported all tiers of the Olympics and included athletes who were differently abled in their marketing. Hemisphere magazine includes diverse stories that I identify with, and being able to watch Issa Rae’s Insecure or the summer of the soul through their inflight programming is a game-changer. The team they have internally is on point when it comes to the options they offer their customers.
In efforts to level the playing field, united has implemented a program calledAviate. Aviate is United’s industry-leading pilot career development program offering aspiring and established pilots the most direct path to a United flight deck. They make it known that they invest in an inclusive culture where the best pilots and leaders want to work, with supportive business groups and game-changing diversity initiatives.

Through Aviate, they pride themselves on creating a working environment with opportunities for everyone. Some of their partners include Professional Asian Pilots Association, Organization of Black Aerospace professionals, Latino Pilots association , National Gay Pilots association and more!
Like United, Alaska Air has also committed to creating more opportunities for people of color. In 2019 , before DEA&I was on everyone's agenda Alaska airin partnership with Sister of the Skies , pledged to increase the number of Black female pilots within the company after they realized this group only represents one percent of the entire industry. They recognized in order to hire Black female pilots there has to be a pool of candidates, and so they’ve created it, by growing this program.
In addition to this initiative, last year I had one of the most memorable moments of my life at the Alaska Airlines headquarters. I was invited to the unveiling of the ‘’Our commitment’’ livery. A livery is the planes we see that are designed with a theme. I’ve seen Disney, NFL teams, LGBTQIA+ planes, but never, until that moment, had I seen a plane with Black faces on it.

I invite you to read my article on how this plane truly impacted the Black Travel community in a mighty way. My Mom accompanied me to the event, and was so moved that when we returned, she immediately purchased stock in Alaska Air because she felt, seen, and valued by them.
Another airline to note is Cebu airlines out of the Philippines. In 2019 they hired Jess Labares and Mikee Vitug the first openly trans flight attendants from the country! They made history for breaking barriers and embracing the responsibility to be role models for other flight attendants who want to be comfortable as their true authentic selves.

As an airline, who you hire internally will reflect who supports you externally. Being able to connect with inclusive communities to help support your diversity initiatives is key. Celebrating diversity also means showing up financially in the form of money and miles to help support underrepresented communities. Vendors you choose to supply products is another way you can put your money where your mouth is as it opens up opportunities for business owners to excel on a larger scale.
Diversity in Hospitality/Accommodations-D
As travelers, safety is necessary in any place we lay our heads. Regardless of appearance, from check-in, to check out we should be acknowledged and treated fairly. As an industry, we have failed at ensuring travelers of every niche have been considered when designing spaces that ‘’welcome everyone’’. I’m frustrated by seeing brand's ‘’commitment to diversity’’ stated, and it doesn’t go beyond their website. Why make the pledge, if no one is going to abide by it? The following instances are meant to give you a perspective from travelers that look different from you. We can’t consider the challenges your guests face if we aren’t aware, and it is my hope that these examples give you insight and your perspective changes.
Wheelchair travelers find it difficult to locate an ADA-compliant room with two beds. If they are traveling, they are experiencing your accommodation with a caregiver who they don’t want to necessarily share a bed with. Additionally, the beds don’t accommodate their hoyers/lifts that assist them in getting in and out, which means they have to be lifted by someone each time.
Muslim Travelers visit your accommodation and go to your restaurant. You have vegan and gluten-free options, but you haven’t included halal ones. You offer alcohol, but no mocktini menu. In their rooms, there’s no arrow on the ceiling facing toward mecca, and they pray 5 times a day. As the travel community that spends the most money annually on travel, you only provide the holy bible and book of Mormon.
Plus size travelers visit your accommodation and through every doorway,, they have to turn to the side to enter. They’d rather sit on the floor, than the furniture in fear that it won’t support them. When ordering food, they have extreme anxiety around judgment and would rather have a buffet option so they can fix their meals themselves.
A transgender traveler visits your accommodation and instantly is challenged because they have to present an ID that has a photo that no longer represents their identity. They don’t drink water outside of their room because there isn’t a gender-neutral restroom, and they battle making the decision of which to use.
Now that we are aware, steps to improving accommodations shouldn’t be challenging. As an industry, we equipped our locations with PPE and Covid 19 protocol within a month, let's show up for our guests and make the corrections.
Diversity in Cruising-D
My perception of the cruise industry has changed over the past year. This sector is one to watch as it is a leader in embracing change. From core values to recruitment, advisory boards, and marketing the progress is refreshing.
I never heard the term ‘’Godmother’’ of a ship until this past year. Two of my colleagues Beth Santos and Erin Brown were honored with this prestigious title and it sent a message to the industry.

Beth Santos whom I mentioned previously, is the Founder and CEO of Wanderful. A community that helps women travel the world by connecting them to their biggest asset. She was named God mother of the Azamara onward by Azamara, the upmarket cruise line leader in destination immersion.
Erin Brown is a name to remember, not only is she a paratriathele, she's a diversity and

disability advocate whose dedicated her life's work to disability inclusion development. As an amputee, she’s dismantled stereotypes and limits others have placed on her not only as an athlete but as a traveler. She was named God Mother of the Odyssey of the Seas for Royal Caribbean.
Both women are active in the diversity space, their new titles also hold the cruise brands accountable for embracing and celebrating diversity within their companies.
Recently we’ve seen brands like Royal Caribbean create opportunities by recruiting

straight from historically Black Colleges and universities. In efforts to reach their diversity goals internally, Royal Caribbean has created the path and continues to build the relationships needed for success.
Hurtigruten expeditions have made their mark by creating and implementing the Black Travel Advisory Board. Under the direction of the incredible Anders Lindström, they have publicly made the commitment to the Black travel community through funding and a series of focus groups.

This is an industry first, and they are an excellent example of brands supporting their actions with finances to support Black Travel communities like the Black Travel Alliance and Blacks in Travel and Tourism.
When a brand is committed to diversity, it is reflected at every level. I remember getting a video message from Hurtigruten’s CEO Daniel Skjeldam where he called me by name and expressed his excitement to have me as a member of the board. He also reshared my post and made a great effort to welcome me. Hurtigruten is a Nordic brand with the majority of its customers being German. Not once did they hesitate to show their support to the Black travel community and I appreciate that. It takes both big and small gestures to create change. It’s doing the work when no one is looking or celebrating you. It's creating authentic connections despite your differences and working together to create a better future.
Diversity at Tourism Boards and DMO’s-F

In 2020 the Black Travel Alliance released the#pullupfortravelcampaign. A campaign that was created to hold travel brands accountable and advocate for meaningful representation of Black voices across the travel industry. It evaluated destination management organizations and travel brands in five major areas: employment, conferences, paid advertisement/marketing, press, and philanthropy. 67 brands participated and 29 of them answered that there was at least one employee of color. This proved that there was a great imbalance that still needs to be addressed. We released the same survey a year later and asked brands to update us, only three brands responded and that proved to us that much change hasn’t been made.
How can we recruit people of color if our destination isn’t diverse? Great question, you hire diversity consultants, you create and implement new recruitment processes and you include the business owners of your community who are diverse so you can accommodate all people in your destination and those visiting. Universities globally have tourism programs where students need internships. Form the relationship and create the path to employment. Another suggestion is creating a position that tackles this subject. Rondel Holder was hired as the senior director of multicultural content for NYCgo.

His job was created as a solution and commitment to reaching their inclusion goals. Since Rondel has been on the team, the brand's content has been more inclusive and has influenced new travelers to visit.
Destinations international is the world's largest and most reliable resource for destination organizations, they inform, connect, inspire and educate their members with the goal to drive destination economic impact, job creation, community sustainability, and quality of life through travel. They released their Equity, Diversity and Inclusion report this year and I invite you to read it.

Their research included over 1000 companies across 15 countries, and the results weren’t shocking. Employees are mostly white able-bodied males who dominate the C suite and director positions. The following is an excerpt of their findings
‘’ Noted in this year’s study was the need for there to be a stronger commitment to diversity recruiting and hiring practices. Efforts to remove bias from job descriptions, offering a diverse set of workplace benefits, training on inclusive interviewing practices, utilizing diverse interviewing panels, and working with local and state organizations and educational institutions to recruit diverse and non-traditional candidates will be essential.’’
I challenge all organizations to conduct this kind of research to encourage collective support in making adjustments.
Diversity Within Advisory Boards-F
Advisory boards play a crucial role in the development and growth of any organization or brand. Having a strong inclusive team guarantees insightful information on how to connect with inclusive communities directly. They should be able to improve the implementation of inclusion practices and help increase the quality and quantity of underrepresented communities according to your DEA&I goals.
I have the privilege of being a member of Condé Nast, Hurtigruten, and the National Outdoor Leadership Schools board. Each brand is different but shares the sentiment that this subject is important. Regardless of their past, they are committed to a better future and are constantly asking their board about strategies to improve.
When creating your board, don’t only invite someone because they are a checked box. Invite them because they are knowledgeable in their subject and add value to a narrative you can’t. According to a study from Search Wide Global, the leading executive search firm in the travel and tourism space, differently-abled and younger individuals are rarely seen in these positions. DEA&I isn’t just gender and we should consider all factors from age to academics, race, and religion.
If you, like me, are active on Linkedin, attend travel conferences, and stay up to date with travel news, you should see qualified professionals being highlighted constantly who look different from your current board. Engage with them online, attend their sessions at conferences, create a relationship, and invite them to your boards. Next year, this grade should look different, I look forward to the new opportunities you create for diversity within your boards.
As a consultant, I acknowledge that DEA&I takes time, as all of us continue to learn. Nothing built to last comes easy, but you have to start laying the foundation. From all the reports provided, it is clear the industry is below expectation, and that's why the overall score is a D-. As we move forward, together, I am optimistic about the changes that will take place. Thank you for the time you spent, reading through this report. If you’d like more information please feel free to email me directly . Diversity drives business, and nothing changes if nothing changes. Be committed, show up financially, and do the work. I'll be here to hold you accountable, until then keep DEA&I top of mind.
The following organizations are available for consulting, training, and certification for DEA&I.